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Clifford Wise Yearbook
$15 Yearbooks
The Wise Intermediate/Middle School Yearbook is now on sale!
Yearbooks can be purchased now until Wednesday, March 31st! No Exceptions!
There are no other sale dates.
We do NOT purchase additional books for sale in June! This is the only time to buy!
Information about our yearbooks: Full color, soft cover, grades 4, 5, & 6 at Wise for 2020-2021.
Pay now...yearbooks are available to the students the 1st Friday in June.
Virtual students: Yearbooks will NOT be mailed. Please plan on coming to school to pick yours up.
Cost $15.
Pay by cash or check. Bring payment directly to school and turn in at the office OR mail payment to:
Mrs. Phillips
Wise Middle School Yearbook
1016 Gwinn Street
Medina, NY 14103
Checks should be made out to: Wise Intermediate/Middle School
Mail in payments must be postmarked by March 31, 2021.
Please include student name and grade with payment.
If you have additional questions or concerns please feel free to contact Mrs. Phillips, the Wise school yearbook advisor, at